Come Hygge Yourself

– a spoof comedy show about happiness & hygge offered to you by Doctors of Happiness, Joanna Joyful & Barbara Beaming

Fresh off the heels of Kerry being long-listed for the Funny Women Comedy Writing Award and performing on the comedy stage after John Cleese at Byline Festival, Purple Ostrich are hitting the stage again. Come and join us for an aggressively positive ‘seminar’ about how to be happy when the world around you seems to be turning in to flaming dog s**t. 

In our pro-Trump Brexit era feeling positive about the world is like attempting to enjoy kale, you keep trying to but in the end, all you taste is bitterness. 

In this Come Hygge Yourself ‘seminar’ these self-professed ‘doctors of happiness’ will be; shining a light on the commodification of happiness, exploring the meme-happiness culture we now live in, looking at the export of Hygge from Denmark to the west, delving in to the history of happiness in our cultures and scrutinising the natural and chemical ways that the brain creates this sensation. Through practical experiments, dance routines, clowning, and story-telling they will be asking what happiness really IS and they will make you feel it. A lot.

The only problem is that both the ‘doctors’ are suffering greatly with depression – will they get to deliver the whole seminar or will one of them derail the whole thing … again?

"With the news a constant reminder of all the doom and gloom that's going on in the world right now, we're all in need of some happiness. Thankfully Joanna Joyful and Barbara Beaming, two doctors of Happiness certified from the Russell Crowe School of Calm, are here to help."

For more info email visit facebook or check out our tour pack here.

Purple Ostrich