
Eksil på HAUT!

Eksil på HAUTscene

Jeg har fået Eksil (residens) på HAUT sammen med arkitekt Lieve Smout og radiodokumentarist Anne Neimann Clement fra lydkollektivet LYDPOL. Den første uge af april skal vi eksperimentere med vores projekt, der omhandler døden i byen – vores arbejdstitel er “Tomb with a View”.

Vi undersøger døden som industri og ser på dens udfordringer i urbane samfund på en overbefolket planet. Vi spørger, om det er nødvendigt at overveje, hvordan rammerne omkring døden skal se ud i fremtiden? Og hvis, hvordan kan de så ændres?

Det bliver super spændende. Kan ikke vente!

New show – Come Hygge Yourself – at Teaterøen May 2019!

POP is back with a new comedy lecture about happiness (because in this political climate we really need something uplifting!). This time around we will be inviting people in for a spoof-seminar where you will all learn how to Hygge Yourself a bit more to raise the happiness bar. And where better to get start than in Denmark – one of the world happiest countries!?

On May 26th, we will be showing a 15 minute showcase at the CPH Stage edition of Teater Tapas at Teaterøen in Copenhagen. We can’t wait!

So Come Hygge Yourself with us in May!

Oplev I remember… på Transistor Meetings på Warehouse9 12.oktober

Deltag i workshops eller interaktiv installation – læs mere her

Transistor Meetings er et møde mellem professionel scenekunst fra Malmö og København gennem en række visninger, workshops og talks. Festivalens fokus er eksperimenterende og kritisk scenekunst, og alle interesserede er inviteret til at opleve og tage del i de forskellige værker og events. Festivalen foregår på WAREHOUSE9 6.-13.oktober i København.

I kuratering af den Københavnske del af festivalen har nytænkende kunstnerisk vision, eksperimenteren, og kritisk refleksion været afgørende for udvælgelsen af kunstnere og værker, som både tæller performance kunst, eksperimenterende dans, queer rave, performance lecture, installation, drag show samt intim performances.

“Thitonos’ Error” – a LFS graduation film

I found these stills from the short film “Thotonos’ Error that I made with director Norbert Strehle back in 2017. Such a fun – and cold – experience to shot in this old church space.

A really interesting film about going too far in your want to save yourself with any means necessary…

Cinematographer Zeta Spyraki (

The OTHER Solos – Shakespeare monologues performed by ‘foreigners’

Hear me explain – with the words of Portia – why mercy is the strongest weapon.

I was asked by a good friend, Paula Rodrigues, to perform this beautiful monologue from The Merchant of Venice in her project The OTHER Solos. I was very happy to participate and to lend my voice to Shakespeare, to the foreigners, to the mercy that we should use to season justice before judging.

The OTHER Solos are a series of Shakespeare monologues that deal with issues of identity, migration, power and exile, performed by actors whose mother tongue is not English. This project was developed in response to recent world events and the increasing sentiment against migration in the media and Western society.


The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.


Experiences – Devised and Performed

-residency workshop at Teater Nordkraft

Testing my device – the balloon collar – in the rain of Aalborg

This spring I was chosen to participate in this awesome workshop run by multidisciplinary artist Louis-Philippe Demers and experience designer Astrid Kensinger.

We were making devices and developing our personal practices with the help of these two great teachers from Nanyang Technological University Singapore. Very inspiring. I look forward to bringing these ideas in to my practice once I return from maternity leave in 2018.

Performing at Byline Festival on June 3rd 2017

Byline Festival

Purple Ostrich will be performing with Vadge of Honour at the brand new political festival Byline Fest.

Byline Fest: ‘Discuss, dance, laugh, create and change the World.

Byline Festival launches in the UK this summer, offering festival goers a unique opportunity to recapture the spirit of festivals when they had a sense of purpose. It is for everyone who doesn’t want to take Trump, fake news or alternative truth lying down.

Bringing together leading politicians, journalists, broadcasters, writers, bloggers, poets, musicians, comedians and festivalgoers, expect passion, creativity and drama. Join John Cleese, Martin Bell, June Sarpong, Lenny Henry, Frances Barber, Hugh Grant, Bonnie Greer, Hardeep Singh Kohli, Salena Godden, A.L, Kennedy, John Sweeney, Tom Watson, Rowan Pelling, Lisa Maxwell, Damien Collins, Luke Harding, DJ Nihal, John Niven as well as more than 60 music acts.’

Performing at ANTS2017/ILT2017 on May 19th 2017


“I remember… a performance lecture” is an interactive demonstration of theoretical findings alongside memories from my extended Memory Archive accumulated through the performance research project I remember…. I will perform as part of Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars’ 2017 conference Re-think Theatre, Dramaturgy and Performance Studies: Re-search, re-consider, re-make.

I remember… began in 2014 as a collaboration with Norwegian dance artist Karen Eide Bøen, and has since consisted of workshops and performances as well as the curation of Memory Exchanges between participants both on- and off-line.

In Aarhus, I will proceed to the format of performance lecture to present some of our findings and memories, and through repetition and interactive game structures, I will furthermore invite the participants of ANTS2017 and ILT2017 to remember with me.